Physics 1: Old fashioned, wierd sense of humor, kinda funny, insults people, calls people things like peasants, rolls his r’s a LOT.
Physics2: Strong accent (scouser/manchester?), Says what the bloody hells that? During explaining questions and such.
Biology 1: Old fashioned, fat, nick named ‘lumpy face woman’ when we were in year 7, strict.
Biology 2: Young, awesome, everyone just listens in his lessons, whereas they would piss around in other peoples.
Biology 3: Annoying voice. Not a bad teacher, people just dislike her, idk why xD
Chemistry 1: Welsh, okay, but if you finish work, you can guarantee she will find you more.
Chemistry 2: Always says ‘I know this is boring, but…’ then everyone is like STFU AND GET ON WITH IT.
Geography 1: Boring voice, patronising, but awesome.
Geography 2: Just, EPIC. Fat, beard, has been compared to a bear, and a chipmunk. Just generally awesome.
Other teachers -
Compulsary Welsh baccalaureate thing - a
Wales, Europe and the World: Ginger, baby faced, very welsh, fairly annoying.
Tutorial lessons: No idea where hes from. Teaches languages in lower years. Glasses, kind of annoying, but alright.
Form tutor: Art teacher, okay, strict-ish.