School just started back for me and I’m being loaded with homework already, I’ll be on as much as I can!! I’m sorry if I get inactive but I’ll be popping in on minechat if I can’t get on my computer. I will still be there for everyone if you need me!! Message me on forums or on skype or snapchat or even Instagram. All of my users are @maddygabbyy
Please don’t be afraid to message me if you need a server thing because I will help you as soon as you need. You’ll have a better chance of contacting me through Instagram and snapchat. I love you all so much and have an amazing weekend.
My schooling starts in early September, because it ends in mid June. I wonder why the US school districts don’t end schooling in the same week, or month? I find this troublesome, as many of you guys live in different school districts. Anyway, I hope this school year flies by, as this year is my Junior year in High School. And, I hope no one gets too stressed from school.
Not all of American schooling starts in august, usually in hotter states and mostly southern states they start in august, I live in Washington state, and we start early September, and we usually end during mid June! But schedules are different for charter/public/private (I go to public) and it can also be different because of how the district wants to plan it!
@Brodur ask Flawida Public Schools and most Public School systems why they start in August. You’ll get nothing but BS. When does your school start and end?
Mine starts in August but I get on average two full weeks off every six weeks ;D It’s one of the perks of being an IB student because a lot of students go to visit their families overseas.
School doesn’t normally start until late August but they wanted our first semester to end before Christmas break rather than after. We will get out towards the end of May which is cool! I’ll be more active on weekends rather than weekdays. I wont get on as much on Weekdays but might pop in on minechat.
Don’t worry Maddy I will be in the same position as you when school comes around for me =( For me school does’t start till the end of Augustest-Beginning of September. Still not looking forward to all the HW. School is a butt…