Roto-Saiyan :3

Ok, so we have been working on a rotoscoping project in my animation class. I worked with someone for this, so it was kinda a group thing. We spent a total of 4-5 hours on this. 4-5 hours for 5 seconds of animation xD

Hope yall enjoy :slight_smile:

At first we were supposed to do 24 frames a second, but i kinda talked the teacher down to 12 fps :smiley: However, most people didn’t know that would make their video a lot slower. So instead of the 5 seconds they recorded, they had 2.5 seconds slowed down to 5 seconds and it just looked slow :stuck_out_tongue: I ended skiping every other frame and it made it a normal speed :slight_smile:

i like it =D

Cool stuff. The intro was not quite as cool as your drawing video, but it has a unique quirk. I somewhat wish the background looked like it had more effort put in. The actual guy is quite good. Love the theme too.

If you want to make it a bit longer, you can do what the real DBZ does. Repeat frames a lot and only change parts of it like the glow effect. If you could, I would slow down the animation of the ca-me-ha-me-ha (however that’s spelled). It would make it more dramatic but would likely require more frames.

Well what we did was a group project. I did the drawing of the character, my partner did everything that wasn’t the character :stuck_out_tongue: It took the longest to draw the character so he did all the other stuff