I know I was not the one to ban him but honestly I take swastikas quite seriously and I really believe that they are one of the worse things that you can do.
You thought this was a good idea, why? Destroying your base was bad enough but didn’t affect many people particularly. However adding swastikas to it could really offend some people.
I didn’t mean to cause any offence to anyone, I realize I was in the wrong, I wasn’t thinking.
But the swastica was a traditional good luck symbol used in india and tibet before Hitler decided to paint it on his planes, and make it his symbol for the Nazi Party…
I think i’ve seen people do worse on here.
At some point we have all wanted to grief our own projects when there was a new map coming or something. I also just miss having someone to start wars with or kill.
Seems like it wasn’t really that serious of an incident, and I wouldn’t mind havin Robin back on the server; never had any problems with him.
Meta, are you back for good now? Still at Westpoint?
Been back bruh, running Farcoast III. And yeah I am. 2nd year here 
Anyways, guys. I had said that you could blow up your own stuff. However, it is against server rules to put up offensive imagery(swasticas, genitalia, etc.).
Sorry that I haven’t replied sooner. Router went out at dads, and we had no net.
Knew that, but since that happened, it doesnt mean the same thing.
Ill give him another chance.
Unbanned. Locked.