Welp, school is starting back up again and I will be very busy, so much of you wont see me anymore. Probs going from 4 hours a day to 20 mins, so I may be forgotten by some. I will check in on weekends for longer, but most of my gaming time will be school. Sam, expect to see me only on weekends. Overall, I will be forced to slow building projects, so I can forget any Olympics for a while. I will give Andre control of Parkton (if you know where) and Sam control themepark. I love the community and I love the staff, but I thought I might give a formal resognation to PCB (Well, the CaptainGalv u know will not be the same) and I’m not giving up on PCB. Never would I do that.
Cya soon
See you soon!
[size=8pt]VERY soon
I hope your school year starts smoothly, Galvinator. I have school beginning at September 6th, but I think I will still be online at the same pace as I am currently doing now.
Hope school goes great and don’t worry you won’t be forgotten. Cya when you get back!
Hope you do well in school! Cya on weekends!
There is always the holidays too for extra time cya soon
Thanks all!
hope to see you soon!
(sry for late response)