
Sorry I was wrong Yomi did temp ban Matty but that was for a different thing I guess hes been banned for glitch abusing after all?

I’m unlocking this as it clearly isn’t sorted.

I think he can be unbanned as long as he doesn’t cause any more problems and gets rid/stops doing whatever the hell this glitch was.

Well then can we come to a conclusion, or should we just wait to see if matty makes a ban appeal or something…

(P.S. whu you ruined your 888 total posts QQ)

Edit: I still stand by my suggestion of unbanning matty with a warning and having them apologize to each other then get on with running a minecraft server and having fun.

I think he should be unbanned, and Yomi and Matty apologize to eachother, this isn’t the first argument they have had.

arg guys guys guys stop fighting its sence less and no fun at all okay ! i hate when u fight on forum and server!

Chris… we aren’t fighting, we are debating about the situation and discussing what would be the best solution. This is what, as staff members, we do constantly and it is why we are staff members, so we can take disputes likes these and come up with a solution so that everything is all good and fine. Also please do not post in threads like these if you are not involved, or you have nothing constructive to say about the actual event that took place.

okay 1 tip:
before u bann someone go talk with a other staff member before u bann someone so there aren’t un necessary bans like reason:
un friendly - talk too much - post accidentally in a old post by a cousin who cracked a password!

Chris I know you are just trying to help but please stop telling staff what then should do and for now just stay out of this thread.

Bump, I still feel like this thread isn’t done, could we finally say a conclusion?

Conclusion, matty defied a direct request from a staff member to cease and desist, said staff member took appropriate countermeasures.

This has gone on long enough, please take this up in Personal Messages between yourselves and senior staff if you have further inquiries.
