ReineiiTori - 8th of June, 2013

Cleaning up the thread and removing useless posts. If you have nothing useful to post, that hasn’t already been said, don’t post.

Carry on.

If an admin comes online, a chat log provided would be very helpful. I myself cannot provide the chat log because I don’t think I have authority and I’m not very technical. I wasn’t begging on the dynamap, though. I was asking my friends to help me out because they were witnesses and I knew that should provide more info on my behalf. And it did, Marco provides snapshots of some chat.

Namillo, chill it with the tone. I understand that your getting annoyed with this situation/player, but you should not show it so much.

I am not happy with ReineiiTori sharing her account with someone who is known to grief… It really is grounds for a ban from just that. Even so, this particular incident did not deserve a ban and the kick seems to stem from a misunderstanding.

She was reinforcing what staff was already saying as a warning to the other player. I can see why Yomi saw this as “butting into” staff’s business where she had no say. This should have been handled by asking her to stay out of it rather than a kick. Of course, if she had not listened a kick would be fair. Perhaps there was more said than what we see here so far. I don’t believe Yomi was going to ban. That was a bit of jumping the gun by Namillo.

My opinion is to unban ReineiiTori, but have her keep a better eye on her account. Sharing could easily get her banned again.

Side note about dynamap - Our policy thus far for a person going on it right after a ban gets them an IP ban to stop them from spamming. It may be a good thing to allow them to use dynamap after a ban if they are civil and asking others for evidence/witnesses for their defense. As long as they are not on dynamap purely to continue the argument, an IP ban should not be given.

I have to stay with Kyle.

Jesus this got outta hand real fast.

I honestly have to agree with everything Liam and Kyle have all ready said with this, though one thing i would like to add: When another player is trying to HELP you deal with another player, take it as they are HELPING and not HINDERING. The one thing I would like to know is what happend to the person begging for Skylord to come back? Ive had that person on several times, were any actions taken against his spamming the chat? Honestly if it was me, that player would have been kicked, and if they continued, a temp banned then for the spam. I believe honestly this got outta hand, and Rei was used as a scapegoat. Next time (i know funny coming from me) keep a level head, and try to asses the situation before jumping the gun.

Yeahh youre probably right Kyle. This is getting a bit out of hand. I did get a little annoyed as well as trigger happy and for that I’ll unban.

Locky time.

Thank you for the understanding everyone. And as I said, after Emily’s last misbehavior on my account, I told her parents and changed my password. I’d also pass-coded my computer so if she tried to use my computer, she would have to enter a password that she didn’t know. I’ve been monitoring the I.P.'s on my account and it seems she’s been trying to hack me, but she won’t have much luck with that. She’s guessed lots of way off passwords. She also tried changing my password on the Minecraft website, but I contacted Mojang and they dealt with everything instantaneously. I apologize for the misunderstanding for those who opposed against me. Thank you, Namillo.

Yomi and Nam, don’t jump the gun. This didn’t even need a kick, let alone a ban.
I don’t know if it’s because you want to ‘prove your worth’ or something, but being too hasty is worse than being too hesitant. Take a step back, look at the situation again and calmly make a decision in your own time.

Since this is resolved, I’m locking it.
No more posts here. It’s gone on long enough.