Really Cool Minecraft City

NewCraft Vecter city Released, 2.0!

This is a really cool city this guy and friends built. You can download the map off a media fire link in the description of the video. Anyone get any good ideas from this map for our server?

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[/s]AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHH Its lovely! I wanna build a skyscraper now…

Fixed link.

Yay fixed! It is a really good city. I especially liked that one building that looked cool.

You know BigCity could be that epic if more people built in it…

We need to have another big build to help fill it up more.

You guys realize that they copied it from Despicable Me right.

Wait, what? This city has the World Trade Centers in it…I dont remember those in Dispicable Me…

It is very inspiring, to bad I am not a builder.

Remember that the villian vector who steals the pyramid? It also has the smoking building from the final battle i believe. I don’t that the whole city is a copy but some aspects are

hmm… i had no idea.