[size=15pt][b][glow=white,2,300]Hey everyone, not sure about you lot, but I really love this server, there’s so much I love about it that I want to give back to it somehow… Oh that’s right I (literally not even joking) completely forgot! I can vote for our server on the 4 minecraft listing sites to help promote our visibility!
Seriously though guys, even though the incentive for voting is a bit weak now, If you truly like PCB, voting is the easiest way to help keep us going, as it promotes us on the web and invites new players to join in the fun, and expand/continue our community.
So yeah, don’t forget to vote folks, we’ve been running tirelessly since 2011 and to stop now would be an outrage!
Cheers everyone, have a lovely week :)[/glow][/b]