[PSA] Fixing texture packs borked by 1.9

1.9 quite rudely broke old texture packs, which is annoying for anyone using a pack that isn’t “default-compatible.” When I say “default-compatible”, I mean that you can switch to default without your builds looking like crap.

In any case, if you want to continue using your old packs, open your resourcepacks folder, unzip the pack that you want to fix, and edit the “pack.mcmeta” file. Change “pack_format: 1” to “pack_format: 2”. Then, rezip everything up again and you’re all good to go.

Anyone wishing to visit Port Royal can use the Lapiz Point textures that are 1.9 compatible, available here. I think Portland was made with Lapiz Point in mind too (?), so I’m providing the textures here for anyone that wants them.

we switched texture packs back in Late November, but i use out dated packs anyways and they work perfectly for me

Beats me. Lapiz Point wasn’t working, so I was just like oh noez and did a quick fix. Glad to see your old packs are working.