In light of recent events, I propose a few renovations for Forsyth Stadium.
1- The storage chests be under the actual arena, with a staircase on either side leading down to it. I also propose that the “locker area” be square.
2- An iron door on both sides, on the sides that teams would be on (The left and right side of the circle, from the entrance, if that makes sense.), and the would be wired to a control tower (like in the Suburbia Arena). This would take the place of the big hole near the entrance, which allowed for people to join a match mid-game.
3- I also think that there should be note blocks on/in the light that was attached to the line of fences leading to the arena, and when the game starts, the note blocks would be attached to the control tower, and would ring when the match would start.
These are just suggestions, and modify them if you wish. Add to the list if you want also.
Thank you,