Promotions! Promotions! Promotions!

You thought we were finished?

With the recent promotions of Vexnorz and Poctivy_Ani, the lower end of the staff team was looking rather lonely… but no fear! We’re happy to inform you that @Gordo and @tomicalover have been promoted to Operator, and filling in their Moderator shoes, the staff team is joined by @buns100 and @thejoshua79! Congratulations to all of you. :tada::tada::tada:


Congrats my peeps

Congratulations! :slightly_smiling_face:

@gordo what are you doing to @tomicalover!!!

Congratulations BTW everyone, you guys earned it :sun_with_face:

HAHAHHA OMG! I love this picture. Thanks everyone!

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ayyy congrats all of you!

Congrats Everyone!

Congrats Gordo, Tomi, Buns and Joshua on the promotions. I know you’ll all do a wonderful job as a new member and as an Operator of the staff team.

yassss so cuteee! congratz to all of yall!

Thanks Everybody!

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Blessed Be. Congratulations :slight_smile:

Congratulations to all!