project kingdom

I am trying to make the map castles a kingdom any help would be nice

I help.

Thx I appreciate the help :slight_smile:

I made a little village there (theres only two houses tho :P).

castles you say?

The castles map got griefed! By Bobobood I believe, lots of tnt… lol one of those houses are mine. :slight_smile: I think I’ll help though!

It just got greifed some more too… like MASS TNT EXPLOSIONS

BTW animan why did you send me that PM? it sounds like you greifed my map.

Can tnt be tracked?

P.s I noticed that the explosion gun command can blow up places you are allowed to normally build at. Like the roads in guest city.

This is one of the main reasons physics is set to “doors-only”. It solves any issues with flooding and tnt etc.

Note: You can undo physics to undo those kinds of damage.