Project for the YouTube Channel | Voice Actors Needed!

So I and a few members have started a new project for the PCB YouTube channel and we’re looking for some voice actors.

Please message me on the forums or preferably talk to me on Teamspeak if you would like to take part or know more info.

Thanks :smiley:

I’d love to be able to lend my voice to this project. If you consider me, I can most likely contact you more by Friday.

Okay please get back to me by friday then thanks!

I will voice on the YouTube channel too. :slight_smile:

Excellent! Also find me on ts if possible

I can do some Proper Br’ish or just some plain 'Murican

ts is a can do ;D

What time would you regularly be online on Friday and what timezone (so I know when I should enter TS)?

I’d say Friday 9PM UK Time

Also if possible could anybody else who’s looking to voice act come on to ts at this time please. And I also need everyone else on too who’s acting etc. (whbilbo, Jm, jumpa etc.)

How long are you usually on?

9PM UK Time = 4AM me time

If there is any thing needed I would love to help, however,I cant do voicing as my mic is broken.

Hmm 9pm=4pm is tricky. Sometimes I am on at 1PM UK time if that works out better.

If you don’t have a mic, you can always participate in filming sessions. Expect to see some on the server like we’ve done for the Christmas Video and Rise of the QR Code.

I should be able to do some voice acting as i am no longer away due to sickness. I’ll hop on later to work on some idea and stuff.

Sure AGx! see you then