I’m starting the Prettiest Spawn Award! This is my idea to help beautify the survival server’s towns! The task is to make the best looking city/town spawn area for your city, using unique ideas and materials. I will not judge on rarity/price of items used!! The winner will win $1,000 along with a plaque of the award nearby. Town owners have until 5/10/13 to create/improve their spawns. After the deadline, I will chose 3-5 finalists and make a poll for you to vote on. Happy creating!
**I will be judging the area around the “/warp [cityname]” area, and not any town squares, city buildings, or other structures or designs not around the spawn.
Yomi, you have a valid reason for thinking it unfair, but Ferr is right that the contest never even began. This thread started as a sign up for a contest. The sign up date was extended because only you signed up. After that, no one else signed up so there were not enough contenders to even make a competition.
I see why you think you should win by default, but the point of this was to have a competition. Take Weel of Fortune for example. If only one person showed up, do you think they would play anyway?