PMart and PMart-Mini stores are underneath planning!

I have a new project to start PMart, a store across survival cities, I will expand to creative after reset. I need. Gfx(logo) and builders! Please reply if you want to help! :slight_smile:

I’d be happy to help!

I’d be happy to volunteer to build a couple shops here and there

Thank you guys, when I see ya online, I will make sure to ask ya if ya are ready to help build a few shops!

My logo
Credit: Yomi

here is the high quality PNG


I would be happy to make commercials/advertisements for your business to go on the PCBN, which could possibly attract more people to your business. Just send me a message if I’m online.

@jahbrenpanvilla I am willing to do a map for the PMart on Dev :3

sure Dantosky

also here a texture pack for the logo on a painting

Also if anyone wants my store in your survival city, you may dm me, email me, or just tell me here!

Email:[email protected]

Please don’t double post. Use the modify button.

My bad