[edit] the new name of piethrixia is Acadia
Simulation begin
2000 creation - Earliest traces of Piethrixian existance
2020 destruction - Orbital bombardment of Piethrixia
2030 rebirth- orbital bombardment ceases
2040 gifted- Discovery of HEDF in a meteor that destroyed a base
2050 !#)![corrupted]@!(*$ creation of first HEDF power plant
2060 destruction - Large meteor made up of Pure HEDF hits Piethrixia
2070 rebirth - only 3% of Piethrixias population survives
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2100 present day - First clone created of human
2120 - Majority of population is clones
2130 - 68.2235% of population is genetically enhanced clones
2140 - 100 soldiers in the military are cloned
2150 - military is 74.6901889% genetically modified clones
2160 - [data deleted]
2170 - robotic soldiers take over 30% of military assets
2171 - last manned aircraft is relieved of duty
2180 - all aircraft are drones
2190 - small HEDF reactors are created and only fail 0.9127479812794% of the time
2200 Armageddon- Largest bomb imaginable is created and used on the sun