PCB's Christmas Tree!

tis the season!
Me & zingwoof2 have started the PCB’s Christmas tree, and having a great time with everyone.
I will include the cords if you wish to go there. It’s getting a little crowded so watch your back at night! :slight_smile:
Please post pictures of your presents and having a jolly time with friends about what you’ve made and going to make! :smiley:

Where is the tree?

(I L-O-V-E UberHaxorNova!!) :slight_smile:

me too :smiley:
And to find the tree get on and ask anyone to tp you there! :smiley: I can’t get on ATM my minecraft keeps crashing :o

thanx for doing that liam cause i sorta didnt liked how it looked

Don’t forget, the presents are for christmas, no day earlier!

I’ll make a gift once the server is back up.

i made a gift for andy spec and kyle :3 and someone else in there too :smiley:


He hasn’t been on since 1.6 (I saw him once, he never returned afterwards)

I never seen him since when our old classic server was gone and the new survival server showed up :frowning: