PCB Rational Geographic Society!

Hi Everyone, I’m Manta, and if you don’t know me, I’ll tell you guys I am a huge geography geek. Therefore I am founding the Rational Geographic Society (just for fun) for maps and other geography related goodies! Exploring the dynamaps, I realized that I couldn’t get a clear picture of the entire survival map, so I decided to compile the images to form a world map!

Although all the land masses are kinda connected, I decided to divide it into 5 continents in order to promote regional competition, you know, in architecture and stuff. I haven’t quite thought of what to name each continent, but here are some of my ideas:

continent #1 - MIDDLE EARTH?! (because of its vast size)
#2 - VOSTAUZOOLI?! (vos+taussat+lalazooli)
#3 ~ 5 - ???

am Open to Suggestions!

That’s amazing. Could you do one for creative? It’d be really useful for laying out maps ‘n’ stuff.

I kinda wish the ocean generator was much better. Those oceans are kinda shitty.

Thx Asmo! ;D Sure it should be fun making the creative world map also! But perhaps not anytime soon, as I am currently loaded with geography-unrelated homework :’(

And Octo… I must agree that the oceans have lotza room for improvement… Perhaps for the next pcb map(hopefully not anytime soon, as I am busy building) the oceans will not be as ugly!