PCB October Music Festival

The Skull stage in Port Royal Opera House is COMPLETE
The Mansion stage in Brackley Stadium is COMPLETE
The Terminator stage in Portland is Near Complete
The horror stage in Ceres is Near Complete

Hello my fellow PCBians
I have come up with the idea for a music festival around Halloween time next month. The festival will comprise of 4 themed stages each with 1 headline act and many other acts on top.

Brackley will play host to the main stage but i need 3 other cities willing to host the other stages.
The way in which this will work is there will be 4 separate Plug.dj streams of which people can join according to the stage of which the chosen act is playing on.

i will need the help of a group of people to be able to pull this off the roles are listed below.

Redstone Specialists
help removing the stages after the event

more info will be released

I think this will be a good event with the music uniting many people on the server

many thanks

Port Royal would be willing to host a stage!


I think Rememberance City would be up to hosting a stage

[size=12px]And I would be up to stage design and stage building

Clarity would love to host a stage for the festival! One question: who will be playing the music for the festival?

Gonna snatch one up for Ceres before they’re all gone I know a place that (can be converted into) an underground DJ rave place

I can make a basement-level club if you’d like.

im looking for more above ground really im coming up with stage designs and i will send you one once i have

Ah, gotcha. I’ll see what space we have. Maybe a smaller one would be better in Port Royal.

Portland would like to host it, if there are any spots? if not ok! if so, we will get to work!

Maybe the theatre in port royal could work Amphi?

Could rememberance City Have A Reply?

ive got to do reckies of all of the cities which have applied

Oh, totally. Completely forgot about it! XD

@wooly19 We have the Opera House as well. I’ll show you next time we’re both on.

I can sing a mean bohemian rhapsody. Lead singer taken?

can i please have everyones city warps/co-ordinates

Portland-/warp Portland ( if accepted we would host Alternative

Port Royal
/warp portroyal

Actually I’m helping with Portland now so Rememberance City don’t need a reply