PCB comics idea

I’m going to start making short comics (10-20 pages) that take place in PCB cities. My idea is to sell them for $5 ish and donate most of the profit (minus a cut for supplies) to PCB to help it grow. The comics should also provide a window for more people to discover and join PCB.
I’ll be posting my concept art and teasers on this thread to get feedback. Also looking to get requests on here.

This is the first panel of the first comic I’m doing, taking place in [member=13465]omganator 's Bazaar. Currently I’m just working on lineart but I’ll look into color later.

and the original build

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Can you make a comic of me arguing with other people? :slight_smile:

damn looks awesome John!

if you ever need subway or transit inspirations /warp kanata is here :smiley:

I think it looks great, this is going to be really cool.

Very nice job :slight_smile:

Good job man. If you and me are ever on at the same time I can get you in good spots for pictures around the Forsyth and Coral Shores metro.

Ayyye! These look great man! Love the idea behind it for funding as well. /warp Camarion is there for some fantasy if ya want it ;D

Looks great!

If you’re looking for a sterile, artificial, characterless city, there’s always /warp Vaara