PCB City Palooza

The Last Bump!
~When you are finished reading this post, please reread “how to sign up”, “Remember…” and “Teams”

Ok guys, so the teams have been posted in the main post! I tried to accomodate people’s time zones as best I could while also mixing you guys up at the same time. For Teams Red and Green, It’s Split for 2 people from UK and 2 from USA so there’s some diversity. As for the Blue Team, you guys are unfortunately shorthanded by one player. (More details on this when you guys reread the main post).

As stated in the above rules just as a recap, this event is meant for you guys to try working with different people and come up with nice and cool ideas for your cities. Avoid going to your adversaries’ cities, you shouldn’t check up on their work to just “look and explore” or to get any ideas, shame on you if you do! You may however freely warp to each others’ cities AFTER September has turned into October. Lastly, have fun guys! The warps are as followed, make sure to consult some if not at least one of your teammates before you go ahead and get started. I would strongly advice the first thing you guys do is make a massive ideas/notice board. Teammates can post on the wall if they arent online when the others are to provide some feedback or ideas, plus it will keep you guys more organized since this event isn’t meant for you to individually work on things in your cities without others’ being “ok” with it:)

The warps for your spots are as followed:
/warp Teamred
/warp Teamblue
/warp Teamgreen

~Can’t wait to see everything, it’s gonna be a busy month for me being in university so I will be on mostly on weekends and mostly late in the evenings of the weekdays.

Lastly to anybody that is not listed on a team in the main post, DO NOT BUILD AT THESE WARPS, only build if you have commented here on this topic and I have let you known which team you are on.


Green is a good colour.

I like green, this means the green team will lose.

Cherry I am disappointed that I didn’t end up in red.
Oh how it pains me to say it but…


Green master race! We got this guys!

woop team red! love me some red :smiley: …guess this means i actually have to come online now :d

RED TEAM- Warp to TEAMRED to help with the contest build

Yeah buddy! I’ll be on later!

Let the games beginnnnnnn!!! Arrrrrrrrg! :smiley:
No way we’re going to lose though…

Don’t get so cocky before we even begin :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding :slight_smile:

Is it too late to join?

You can be yellow Sword, /warp teamyellow

there is no team yellow

There is no Swordmaster in the PCB City Palooza

Yes Sword you may join TeamBlue, go crazy c:

Mauls Whus animals
There is no SwordMaster, Only Sword the killer.

As the competition goes on and builders are building so fast that they make buildings look as easy as drilling a simple hole, players start to get envious and want to join too, but unfortunately they are told that its too late and the competition is closed off for entries on either teams. So they sulk in sorrow that they are not part of an awesome team and were too late to sign up and now they will just have to watch. After a while of sulking and derping around they decide to just make up a fake team and build in that team’s name even though it will not be judged. After a while they build so much they start to get upset that they will not be able to show this awesome build to the server and that it will not be in the competition. They finally come up with an awesome solution to the problem! They Will make a NEW TEAM by combining other teams into 1 big team and have it officially added to the completion late.

This new team was gonna be a combination of some of the smaller teams and needed an awesome name and an awesome color. After a while of talking about what they should do, they finally decided on a name, TEAM RAINBOW. This was the perfect name as for the team would be a combination of different smaller teams and the rainbow is a combination of a bunch of different colors. They had decided on a place and a style and with the competition not have a due date still, they could still have a chance.

The team had an awesome plan and an awesome name and to top it off, they had awesome members who were going to own the heck out of those nooby derpy teams that were actually in the competition. They had started combining their different styles and even had the master plan to own the other teams and finally talked around to get themselves in and finally I accepted their request and I am currently posting this team to get their team officially into the competition.

I decided that this new team needed a warp which I was going to supply and an awesome essay to prove that they were the best team and that they picked the right guy to show them off to the rest of the community and overall, just make them look good! When I began this awesome post and stuff I was rudely informed that one of the members of the team was not going to participate, this shocked me and after a brief discussion The team had decided to break up and that this essay was going to be a waist, but I had thought of my essay as they had thought of they their builds and wanted to make this an awesome essay of awesomeness even though I have like 0.5% in writing goodish or what ever you people call it now a days.

So yeah, there WAS going to be a “Team Rainbow” and it was going to be awesome and cool that we joined late but still were going to have a chance, but then the team broke up and yeah… fuck it. What is the point of this post you ask, why am I posting if the team does not exist and why am I still going on if there no reason to??? Well cause I want to and felt like writing something awesome and showing y’all. And while I was writing this I thought up a suggestion, why not have like other teams that will be judged too but not given a prize, just have their build appreciated and shown off? I mean this is an event is for people to mingle and learn other people and what about the other people who weren’t able to join or just want to have their build appreciated and shown off? They should be able to make their own teams and join like a separate thing or what ever. IDK I am just kinda tired and felt like writing something long, and yeah I am just writing cause I want to and It was going to have a purpose until team rainbow died, but now it has like a half purpose or something… just read it, reply and have a good day. :I

TLDR; Mmmm I wrote an essay about making a new team or something, I don’t know much really, just go read the thing ya lazy nubs. :I

lol, I actually read it. What a shame, too bad Team Red (Dream Team) is still gonna win though. :smiley: