PCB Around the World

The Netherlands, Bergen op Zoom
i’m very close to the Belgium border

BaneoverpowersMC - Minneapolis, Minnesota, from Chicago.

North of Panama City, Panama. Previously lived in the southeast of Caracas, Venezuela.

A hour from Toronto, Canada

Is this world map still going to happen? :frowning:

Before that though, We can’t forget this Melbourne girl.

From Houston to San Antonio to Arizona to Houston again to San Antonio again to Dallas to Houston again.
Basically Texas and a desert.

Someone asked for a map.



I tried to make it spin, but the file got too big.
Will keep trying.

EDIT: 0/10 Quality; but does spin: http://i.imgur.com/t327u8E.gifv

Looks like Callum won the London icon Pileup :stuck_out_tongue:

I love how Este is in the middle of the amazon jungle lol

UKKKKKK, Milton Keynes

LOL I’m closer to the coast irl xD

Lol I just put whatever you said into google, and put the face where google thought it was.
That’s why Este’s in the middle of the Jungle, and JackEvereds is in Cali, South America :stuck_out_tongue:

I was left out ;’(

I look so lonely by myself on the west coast ;(

Didn’t mount live in singapore? If I am correct the steve skull on australia’s east side is mount?

the Steve is Luxury911

no; you’re just hiding under PrinceMark :stuck_out_tongue:


I suppose I should also reveal the contestants for the London pile-up (yes you’re probably on the other side of London)


You actually got me pretty close I’m only a little bit further north ( around zwinkys level)

I am the head who covers Panama xD

I looked pretty close over at Georgia and didn’t see a Ferf face.

How can you miss yourself out? :smiley: