PC Press -- January Inauguration Issue!

PCB Bulletin has been replaced with the new newsletter PC Press (PCP). At this time the PCP will be re-issued every month.

Any staff or members who would like to take part in the PCP writing / media team, please let me know.
If you would like to make a submission for the February issue, please contact me via /mail, in game or via forum mail.

Here is January’s issue of PC Press:
tiny.cc/PCPress <— Shortened link for chat pasting

How hard were we trying to get PCP as the acronym?

Urm, I spose, pretty hard? It seems to fit in nicely with the new name.

Loving the idea of debate coming soon! I wouldn’t mind helpppng out :smiley:

Wai, I would add Trusted promotions maybe?

Oh Btw could you please check this thread I posted:
(We need a SOP to tell us what they think about this)

I love the idea! Also it’s looking really good!! Good job!

The debate idea sounds like you’re asking for trouble but, despite this, I love arguing and am all for trying out the new debate forum. Nice bulletin/press thing, looks nice and is easy to read.

On the debate thread if it gets political its gonna be me vs. the world but its a good idea. Just dont get your panties into a bunch anyone, keep it cool

I like the PCP, Wairoa. This will be very newsworthy for everyone on PCB (most importantly the newcomers). I also hope the new debate thread goes well.

Yes but

My thoughts exactly ;D

This info just makes me want to keep it as PCP even more.

Get your fix bb