Pahtwick Gee - 6th of March, 2016


Minecraft Username Pahtwick Gee

Date of Ban 6th of March, 2016
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by MadAnt

Reason for Ban For being an “asshat”

What’s an asshat?

Is it like a horse mask?

So am I an object?

Reason to be Unbanned Does it make me yell out my lungs to say, I have a point, you shoot it down with an ak47.

Like my last post, a building was built. I disagree with MadAnt, rules are for suckers, suckers are dumdums, I like to toss you off case if you allow. He told me to debate as much as I want.

I told him that you would feel like a garbage bag left on the curb if some tped during your first build on the server and built something really quick. That is what happened and I don’t like how militant and arrogant he is.

[ Ban History ] No previous ban appeals on record.

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Well, militant and arrogant, eh! I kinda like that one!

You are writing a ban appeal. Try contemplating why you were banned, and how you were acting on the server. Your ban is a result of your actions and your behaviour, nothing more, and nothing less. If you do not find the rules of the server acceptable, then perhaps you can find a different place to play.

If, by chance, you are willing to follow the rules of the server, which includes treatment of staff, then you will be more than welcome to rejoin us; however, as it stands right now, based on your reaction on the ban appeal, you will not be heading in that direction.

Please try again.

Your militant, arrogant…and perhaps cheeky SOP
Madant :wink:

Dear Mr. MadMan,

I don’t find your reply that pleasuring, but I am sorry for being a horse mask, I will agree to your dubious rules and call you the fresh prince of febreezed air and turn that house area into a park with a totally dubious pleasing dedication with your remarkable achievements of being militant and arrogant.

Musical Chairs! (me pretending to be British)

Some what or not good sugar coated flattering apology,

Patrick Gee, The Horse Mask

Dude, your attitude is absolutely shit and the definition of “asshatery”

Were it my decision, I’d bid you a “Fuck off” and a “Go find a new server”.

Banned and locked

Have fun playing Musical Chairs somewhere else.