For those of you who like boasting the parts you’ve chosen for your PC builds, tell me what you think about what I’ve picked out for my build. I’m still unsure on most of the parts however, so suggestions are welcome. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Why are you getting an 4690K and having no additional CPU cooler? That defeats the purpose of overclocking (which is the only reason to buy that CPU) especially since you are buying thermal compound to go on nothing. The stock intel fan has TIM on it.
Also I personally recommend Samsung SSD’s because I know they work well.
Updated almost everything just now. I had the same thought, but at the moment I found the Overclockable version to be about $20 cheaper. I may add an extra cooler to it.
Why did you change to the GTX770? The R9 290 may have been a bit better for the money honestly, even though I am partial to nvidia.
Got rid of the 144Hz monitor
Power Supply change is not a big deal, that Seasonic PSU is amazing.
And if you have a .edu you can often get Windows for free through Dreamspark, either Server 2012, or Embedded 8 (which will run any games fine, just is generally a lot smaller in file size when installed.)
I bought an IPS monitor and regret not getting a 120+Hz monitor, especially because of CS:GO. I don’t need that good of color accuracy, even when I want to edit photos, video, etc. Those are fantastic monitors, just that not necessarily geared towards gaming, which I assume is a big part of this rig.
I did think about switching to a GeForce, but then I realised that out of all of my games, only one was optimized for Nvidia Cards, and the others were either AMD (which I have) or not optimized, so it isn’t really worth switching.
And PC Parts in the US are so much cheaper than here. The processor would cost £172 here, but the US price converted is £126, and both are 21% off.
You do realize that most of that optimization is horseshit right? It gives at most a 5% advantage on top of the default FPS. If you buy an nvidia card, it doesn’t mean that game will run bad, to have that as a notion in your mind is incredibly wrong.
Also AMD CPU’s are shit. If I’m honest. If you are building any PC over $400 you should buy an Intel CPU. They are so much more efficient per clock cycle relative to power and performance. I would rather have an i3 than a Hex core AMD any day, unless you are encoding bat shit amounts of video.