Off work.

Well as the tittle states, i am off work for the next month or so. :confused: I really was only there for maybe 2 weeks. I guess i worked a little to much. I only worked in the graphic design part of it, so i kinda do that stuff pretty quick. Since they were paying me by the hour, i didn’t want to get done to quick with it. That would obviously just mean less money in my pocket, and we all know that money is a nice thing to have. :wink: The problem is though, i kinda still worked a bit to fast on everything, got it all done and now they wont be needing me for a while. :frowning: I’m gona miss that money flow. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well i guess what i’m saying is, i am now gona be able to be a bit more active in the server now, unless i tend to go off and work on some of my new side projects. I am still working on that rough draft book thing that, and now i just need a little bit more in my parent taught driving deal to be able to get a good permit. :stuck_out_tongue: To bad my parents didn’t know how to do that class to well, if they did i prob would have my license by now. Oh well, now i just gota get this done before summer if over and maybe i can get a license by my senor year. XD Junior year is gona suck without a simple license to get me around. Least there is a chance that i wont be going to those college classes anymore. Not saying that’s a good thing, just that i wont have to be running back and forth between the high school and college. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, if they pay you by the hour, WORK SLOWER! MILK THEM FOR EVERY PENNY YOU CAN!
OK, maybe not that much, but if you need money flow, slow it down, they probably won’t complain :stuck_out_tongue:
But if you’re going to slow down do it sooner rather than later or they will moan at you for being slower than normal.

Lol, I honestly thought i did tone it done a bit when i started. I guess i kinda sped up without thinking about it. Oh well, least now i can go on the server and goof off a bit more. XD

Also, I don’t know about Texas, but in California all the drivers education stuff is online, or at least to get a permit. Once with the permit you can drive, etc, only the real test you have to do with a DMV person.

In texas i think we can do an online thingy, but we decided to do the parent taught one. :stuck_out_tongue: