[NR] National Railways' Website is Now Online!


Yes, it’s true! I believe we’re the first “company” on PCB to have one, too!

Here’s the address:

www.nationalrailways.org (yes, in fact, we ARE a non-profit organization ;D)

So, give it a peek, and tell me what you think!

President and Founder
National Railways

Woah a real website! Dayummmmm fancy

Hahaha thanks, Javi! Glad you like it!


WAT. And I thought ferrari took things to seriously…

Wow its all posh and shit! Good job! :slight_smile:

It is one of the most successful rail projects on the server to date
Buts it's not the best :)

one of the does not mean THE best of the
Also, I know it’s been said before - but, [glow=purple,2,300]Yoshi[/glow][glow=red,2,300]Rail[/glow] is part of National Railways, yet does not appear on the map… If it could be added, then that would be lovely.

The reason it’s not on the map is because I have yet to receive a list of stations on the network.

At least we light our stations. Check Wooden Bay WITHOUT night vision for an example ::slight_smile:


And, thanks for the compliment? I’m not exactly sure if “posh and shit” is a compliment, but thanks anyway!

Try not to triple post, Yoshio.

Sorry, Zak! I was trying to reply to each person seperately. (I guess this is now a quadruple post :slight_smile:

President and Founder
National Railways

Here’s the map:

Actually, I’ve linked the M1 Lockhear Bridge to Acracity Offices

Yoshi, I’d love to do away with the PCB Subway-like logo. It kinda makes YoshiRail seem like it’s with them…

Just a thought.

Is this more to your liking?

Sorry for the delay on the colour pallette. CS6 messed up and I had to redownload and reinstall it :’(

I’m really liking this project.

No problem, Octo! I understand.

President and Founder
National Railways

Thanks! I appreciate it!

President and Founder
National Railways

Looks good! I’ll have Angel integrate it into our map.

Btw, two things…
If you could make sure to mentioned NR in your map, that’d be great!
Finally, you might wanna use the other NR thread for these kind of posts.

Thanks again, Yoshi!

President and Founder
National Railways

Id like to see if this can be added to the website. At least a scaled version at some point.

Sure! We do need to have at least one open line to include it, obviously, but I wouldn’t be opposed to a “Coming Soon” mention or a “New to NR” mention! One thing, the picture does seem kinda small at 400x200 size, so we might want to have a bigger picture.

President and Founder
National Railways


Yup yuppity yup!


President and Founder
National Railways