No gravity on concrete powder blocks *plugin*

I’d like to suggest we get a simple plugin that removes the gravity on concrete powder.
The block is mainly used in creative and it’s a pain in the ass to have to build a second layer of blocks under every single road if you are using powder.
The plugin I am linking can remove gravity on specific blocks while keeping it for things like sand and gravel that need to have gravity to make survival immersive.

For the sake of builders, and starving children in Kenya, please use this plugin.

King, I understand that it’s annoying for concrete powder to be dynamic like sand and gravel, but Project City Build is meant to be a vanilla server. The more plugins that are added would mean more memory is being used, and I don’t think one plugin for keeping only powder to stand and not fall from gravity is worth being used.

If the memory is the issue then why not get rid of ArenaFutbol? From what I can tell it is almost never used.
Also, nothing wrong with straying away from vanilla if it’s what the majority wants (Granted it isn’t stupid things like cars which lag the server)

This would be quite useful imo, but its not for me to decide.

it isnt a huge change to the game, and it wouldnt take up a crazy amount of space especially if lesser-used plugins were removed. It’d be very helpful for building in creative

The thing is, we are trying to cut down on plugins where we can for a number of reasons. When we add plugins, we need to asses what value they will add based on their performance impact as a trade off. Namely these 2:

[ol][li]Server Performance Impact - Not only do more plugins take a larger toll on server resources, but they also impact the overall player experience. Adding more plugins increases shutdown times, startup times, backup times and slows down the process when a new Minecraft version comes out.[/li]
[li]Value Added - What feature/advantage does the plugin bring the server. The only real advantage I see with this is not having to place blocks underneath blocks which traditionally fall. - This is what puts me in the 'No" category, its just a matter of laziness as far as i’m concerned. It brings no new features or advantages to the server.[/li][/ol]

I just see it as trying to correct a mild inconvenience that seems pretty unnecessary.

Agree with manning.

Also things not considered would be, what happens if the plugin falls out of date, or has to be removed. All existing things using those blocks without support under them would fall. People who make use of the plugin’s features would become dependent on the plugin.

No thanks.

I decompiled the plugin and I don’t think it would actually impact performance that much. It’s a very small plugin, and it just cancels the gravity falling events on the specified block. It’s probably not a good idea to add any extra gravity blocks, but removing it shouldn’t have a big performance impact, if any.

Unless Mojang changes the way the game handles gravity this plugin should indefinitely. If it does need to update but none has been released we can always use another or I could make one.

just use barrier blocks/string to hold them up

The defeats the purpose of making it easier to place floating blocks by removing gravity. If I am building a road suspended in the air I don’t want to have to make two layers just so concrete can be added. It’s a hassle. Any block could hold them up the point is to make this unnecessary.