this website makes NO sence. i get locked randomly out of my post, small acidents are grife, and i have to be FUCKING PERFECT to get a ban appeal. just think you should put more effort into things and not jump to conclusions. please just try to talk to me instead of yelling at me and then not letting me respond or EVEN EDIT my post. also, dont ban people for small things, such as barely disrespecting staff or for me, a small accident.

also i did this because it was one of the only topics i was allowed to post in that made scence to post in.

If you wish to be profane, I will be the same.

Make a fucking appeal. You have not done so, and have only been a nuisance. Top of the page. Make an appeal, as next time a topic is made like this, you will be removed from the forums.

Ya know what. I’m going to make this easy.

Fill out this form.

If you fail at this, let us know here, so we can help you. [size=2pt](and laugh as well)

Every post you have made, someone has sent you the link to make a ban appeal. It’s not difficult.

I’m going to lock this one too, as there is no need for any discussion here, until you make a ban appeal.

If you continue to ignore this simple request, you’ll be banned from the forums too.