Well, i’m sad to report that my computer has given out on me, so I will be out for 3+ weeks. :’(
Seeing that i’m out of a computer. I need to get a new one. If anyone has a suggestion for a computer try to keep it around $800-1500.
Well, i’m sad to report that my computer has given out on me, so I will be out for 3+ weeks. :’(
Seeing that i’m out of a computer. I need to get a new one. If anyone has a suggestion for a computer try to keep it around $800-1500.
Hello Triden, I have a MSI Gaming G Series Computer and I’m very satisfied with it.
They price around $1000-$1500.
First off, stay away from pre-built computers.
Yes, MSI is a good company, however, you must remember, that they are trying to get the most money out of the least product.
Whenever companies pre-build computers, they will put low quality parts in it so that you are constantly having to upgrade, and replace your parts, and/or whole rig.
If they do not do that, then they will charge a few hundred dollars for the computer being built by them, basically as a “labor” cost.
Here’s a build that I modded to fit your budget, excluding the OS & CD/DVD Drive.
Of course, parts of your old PC that you are goin to use would be nice, such as your harddrive(if it still works, your keyboard, mouse(even though you get a new one for free w/ the mother board), monitor, speakers, CD/DVD drive, and fans(why not).
If your Hard drive doesn’t still work, you will most likely have to purchase your new OS, depending on what you would like to use.
I even matched the color scheme for all the parts <3
This rig will be able to play any game that you throw at it at max settings.
Don’t buy pre-built PC’s
Build your own
Linked build is great.
I have to say my experience of this is almost the exact opposite.
My PC was pre-built, cost me just under £400 with free shipping. I looked it up quite recently, and even now, the individual parts added up to somewhere around £350.
So it really depends where you go, and when. I may have been lucky, but it also may be standard for pre-built computers from that particular company. It’s called e-buyer btw. Don’t know if they have an american branch, but for anyone in the UK, I highly recommend them.
HP Pavilion g6 (2219-sa) is the one i’m currently using, and for around £250 ($380).
8GB RAM, 1TB Hard Drive Memory Space, 2.5GHz, can run MC pretty well, and is cheap as well.
Despite it being a laptop, it performs well, and because it’s a laptop, you can take it anywhere.
Laptop. It will slow down like fuck. They’re designed to break after a certain amount of time, like phones. Why the hell would you spend near to $400 on a laptop when you can build a much better PC for the same price?
If you want portability, sure! But if you want a decent gaming rig, do not get a laptop.