New Weekly Event: Mob Gauntlet!

Im proud to announce that I’ve started a new weekly Game that i will be hosting every Sunday night from 7-9 pm EST. I’m Calling it Mob Gauntlet. Teams on 1-3 will compete with each other, trying to get through 5 rounds of randomly spawned, and STRANGE mobs. Tonights winners, Namillo and Piehole won $3000 and a piece of randomly enchanted armor, and a nice sword, both named.

If you would like to join us next week, please join at the said time, and join us! we had a ton of fun tonight!

Mobs spawned:
Skeleton Jockeys
Zombie Jockeys
Flame Bow Wither Jockeys
Bat zombies
FlameBow withers
Wither Boss

Ohhh nice! :slight_smile:

:3 Fun Times. Nam+Pie=Unbeatable

Seems like a full fridge-load of fun! I’ll sign up for sharks! ;D

begins restocking potions

crass i have a glass sphere jail for you already set up lmfao

This actually sounds like a lot of fun. We should do things like this more often.

Ooo this sounds fun! Do you want a weekly event page set up on the website like the bigcity build one?

Oh andy, that reminds me, when will the event creation form be finished? We can have a lot more stuff like this if we get it going :slight_smile:

It is finished?

I believe that is the WIP link

According to Urban Dictionary : To be proud of something in ironical way.

Fits perfectly, I think. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I think this Gauntlet will be a lot of fun! I’ll be preparing for the next Gauntlet this Sunday, haha xP
wispers maybe the last round can be a fight against the host nudge nudge

thats a word…

Andy, ill go ahead and make that now, thanks :3

@Prilaman- only if its wrestling.

You can create and delete events now but I’m still working on the ‘editing’ bit. you can now edit as well. Panel is now fully functioning.

im assuming thats for staff as i cannot access that xD


Bug Alert! If you’re not staff you get infinitley redirected to the ?noaccess=1.

Commence nerdy stuff:
Somewhere in the code it says
Because admin.php?noaccess=1 is still on that page it infinetley redirects!

I believe that Andy had designed a 403 page, however, it never got put into the site.