Idk what the heck I’m doing, but I think we should add another rank before trusted, and it should automatically be unlocked after 48 total hours of server time played. Idk what it should be called, I was thinking Special or something, but they should be able to change their nick and its color, and maybe one or two other little things, but nothing as extravagant as Trusted gets.
Btw I am new so this has already been thought of probably, so cut me a little slack, and just thought it would be fun to do.
I think the current rank system that we have is fine, if you want to have a nickname you can donate xD
weve already had a whole discussion on this. If you want more perks earlier, just donate 2 bucks a month or something. Locking
These suggestions come around like 2-5x a year, if you’ve poked around the forum you would understand by now that our community has been established for quite some time now and we aren’t in any desire or position to change the system we find best for ranks.
I’m not going to discourage your suggestions but here are some things you need to consider:
[ul][li]The Community - Will you find another great, semi-medium sized server community like us? Probably not. Many members in our community have been here as long as 2 years, some of us much more. This community did originally start as a Classic server.[/li]
[li]The Desire to Stay - What I mean by this is your obligation to the server as well as banned people and their motives to come back. We are an excellent server, we have very sincere/genuine people that are approachable to make friends with and we also have lots of talented builders. People either stay with us for the ride or try and come back to it because they know it’s worth it.[/li]
[li]The Outcome - Members that donate or members that have been personally recognized by staff [that result with Trusted nominations] get to enjoy the perks. You get out what you put in if you want to talk about perks and privileges.[/li]
[li]The Dedication - Along the way once you’ve probably been here for a year or perhaps more you might be inclined to help us by applying for staff and helping moderate the forums and chat in-game. Being staff is by no means just a title, it’s proof of your dedication, time, and effort to the community.[/li][/ul]