New Railroad System

I have a great idea. What if to ride the subway you have to pay $1 and that $1 is split between the people who made. I know you’ll all say different people built different amounts but I think it would be a good idea?

or we could all just get a lump sum and make the trains free to use

Why not just get someone to use toomanyitems

Because toomanyitems on servers works as /give which only admins (and maybe SOPs) have.

I would be willing to help, aLL my items are in storage so i really have nothing better to do ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I would also love to help build a railway. I can clear paths of whatever you want me to do!

Will help in any way I can, and I believe this is a great idea!

[EDIT: Check list added to main post]

So you’re gonna be copying the thing I built and spreading all over PCB?


well, liam edited it a bit to fit with the ‘style’ he wanted

I’ll help but I’ll need supplies I can mine the iron and gold for the tracks

Plans are being made for a hi speed elevated rail in Forsyth!

This rail will run along the current and future parts of the Interstate 85 Corridor!

How it will work is instead of lighting in the current freeway median, we will have beams supporting an elevated rail with stops for passengers every 2 exits, with the exception of a stop at Main Street and a stop at Colerain Avenue, (1 exit apart from Main).

The rail line will continue to Interstate 285 (Not yet planned/built) and stop there at a realistic park and ride station.

To the south, Pennescola, that is up to ItalianChild.

It would be cool to see a normal ground rail for transporting actual containers with supplies etc for trade around the map connected to my GTFO project!

I will have more info located on the Forsyth News thread in the map discussion.

PLEASE do not remake something like the old one.
And please make a new topic, as it is not part of this rail system at the moment.

Check list has been updated, and added to main post.
Eastern line will be started soon.

i will help :slight_smile:

Checklist has been updated, and map added.


Who owns hilltop?

Rippor does. Not sure where he’s gone

If you guys are still working on this and could possibly help supply me/teleport me to where I need to be, I’d me more than happy to help and or design a station.

This would seem like a nice project. but the my question is this:
Will there be a station at ALL cities, that would want to be connected?

This is going to be redone in the new map, will hopefully be completed and very successful. And we will design it from the start to connect to all of the cities it can.

This project is suspended untill 1.8 I am locking the topic to prevent confusion :smiley: