MySQL Cleanup

Greetings Classic players and people who happen to read this!

You all know how people still had that stupid OMGWTF title? Remember how I tried using a tool from McForge staff that did not fix it? Well, I got off my ass and fixed a few things manually.

[ol][li]I did something kinda dangerous in the database. I removed ALL players from the records who have logged in fewer than 21 times. This does not affect those that are banned as that is a different list. It just removed anyone’s records if they have not visited 21 times or more. This may affect some players as it removed over 16 thousand players. We now have only 300 or so players still in the DB.[/li]
[li]I cleared EVERYONE’S money. We did not have a way to do this via command, but now I can use my SQL commands to do so.[/li]
[li]I removed all of those WTF titles. This should not affect any other titles.[/li][/ol]

I hope the 20 visit times limit was not set too high, but it is easy enough to fix staff ranks as there are not that many. For players who are affected, they either just joined and lost 1 rank, or don’t really play at all.
Yay for SQL commands?

Yay! Shouldn’t be many problems. The staff that are affected won’t really care anyway, as they’re likely to be staff from the main server that were just ranked on classic for the sake of it.

I discovered that Tempesta has the highest build count in the history of the server (or at least recent record). Found some interesting .undo records. It seems Mcforge creates them as records of what a player has done when they leave. That way, we can use /undo on them to revert them.

Tempesta had more stored in those files than all players combined. Only Jeff and Tony had close at 300 MB each. Temp had 1.2 gigs.

Wait, I think this is only the temporary records for as far back as MC records for. My /undo all has a limit too. So, a week? Two? Either way, it means he is the most active person on.

Ah, this sounds great. That should remove all the useless initiative/builder -ranks from people who have visited PCB-classic only few times (maybe even just once). Also got already bored for removing those annoying titles! :s
And yeah, I’d guess those records are at most one month old.

Thank you Kyle, I already cleared one milion [OMGWTFWOWHAXHEY] titles…