My survival inventory keeps getting wiped

Prince helped me earlier this week, and I thought it had been fixed, but it occurred again, I have now lost 4 diamond pics, a stack of powered and regular rails, and a couple of MISC. items! I don’t want to lose anymore of my survival stuff!

What and when does this occur? Is it when you relog or do anything special…? Give us some deets otherwise we can’t help

Its sporadic, it happened once when I switched from survival to creative, and the other times it occurred after I left the server for a bit.

This has been happening to a lot of users lately. I tried giving him the perm -perworldinventory.bypass.* in attempts to resolve this issue so I’m not quite sure otherwise why this is still happening to other players :s

That permission makes it so that players who change worlds will keep their inventory from that world. So if they go from Survival to Creative they will keep said inventory, and vice versa.

“perworldinventory.bypass.*: Users that have this will keep their inventory when changing worlds or gamemode”

This doesn’t solve the issue and may have been the cause of their most recent item deletion. I have gone ahead and removed this permission from them.