You have a thing for chickens?
My favorite is Glimpse of the Past (the books). Not sure why really, I just like it.
Yes, I breed rare chickens and specialise in photography of them. I’d like to do it professionally one day.
Is it bad, that this is all i could think of when i saw that second one?

Btw, awesome pics Ang. I especially liked the books!
hahaha! flying mustaches… great now that’s all i’m ever going to see thanks for that shad xD
the bunny is so damn cute! i also, for some reason like the uh bibbed mallard one.
and i wish you good luck with your planned career 
I hope that I dont fnid that mallard… He may end up in my freezer this winter 
These are great!
I especially love the one of the cute lil bunny ^-^
Hey Anj, thought just struck me. i wanna practice sketching real life animals and detail some more, mind if i sketch some of your photo’s?(particularly the bunny :D)
Sure that’d be fine Sylvie.
And thanks everyone for the comments. Glad people liked my work!
I’ll get some more up soon
Uploaded some new stuff the other day but forgot to link;
The shot of that rose…and the lighting and the monochrome and and…its just… awesome :o
One new one to celebrate having a router again.