My own Five Year Anniversary

As it states, today marks being part of PCB for five years. Still remember being a high school freshman, playing on here during the Beta.

Insane how much things have changed!

All the same I said to John applies to you too, Zak. You’re an awesome guy, and it’s been great playing and working with you. Keep on keepin’ on.

^^ thank you for serving us zak! you have been a huge help with the server! :smiley:

Keep on keepin’ on, my friend.

Huh, with all these anniversaries happening I guess mine has to have come by as well. Coolio old timers. Tip of the hat to John(u#282) and Zack(u#302) from u#167

It has been a great pleasure playing with and getting to know you Zak, you were one of the first staff members I got closer to. Thank you for serving PCB all these years :slight_smile:


Wow dude congratulations. It was my five year in November, and it’s crazy to think how much time we’ve spent on this server. Not to mention all the memories and friends…anyway, congrats dude! =D

As with John, good job on your commitment
Thank you, staff <3

Congrats on being able to put up with us for so long!

That whole time and you’ve only ever had one sig :stuck_out_tongue: