If you haven’t seen my new skin yet it is a Soviet Soldier :). Now to go build a klashnikov…
nice pic. I like how it looks like firby is a better fighter than the soldier. Stop taking pics of yourself and get back to work soldier!! XD
Very nice Comrade!
Nyet! Товарищ Ouhai! Добро пожаловать в СССР! Мы будем бороться и бить тех, которые лучше equipt! Dfirby умру!
??? Google translate time.
Here is something like what you said.
Nyet! Comrade Ouhai! Good to grant in the USSR! We will fight and beat those, which are better than equipt! Dfirby I will die
Better Translation:
Nyet! Comrade Ouhai! Welcome in the USSR! We shall struggle and beat what it is better equipt! Dfirby I shall die!
YAY im in the background
Y’all need Google Translate, hah. I can read it just fine.
Also, did you make it yourself?
I too can fluently read this, what he actually said was.
Clears Throat
“Goddamn i need some coco pops”
I could translate it now, but would take me some time. Been learning Russian this week in school xD
I think you’ll find im right
… or not :L
xD je parle beaucoup des langues. En russie: Nyet! Comrade Ouhai! Welcome to the USSR! We will fight and beat those who are better equipt! Dfirby die!
Je m’excuse mon langue a Dfirby…
Dw i siarad rhai cymraeg. А некоторые Россия. Un peu de français.
I prefer to speak english.
Pourquoi? Les langues sont très intéressants.
Oui, je arrête parler en français.
Yes you do!
Interesting fact from the Russian woman who was teaching us:
In all russian schools, you are given shooting lessons, lessons on what to do in the case of a nuclear explosion, and a test you have to do it disassemble and reassemble a Kalashnikov in under 40 seconds. In the dark.
Avons-nous vraiment besoin de parler en français, en russe, et quelle que soit apparaît dans nos esprits? Plus encore, parler d’une peau.
Ich spechen nicht Frankrosich aber Ich spreche viele Deutche!