If she still wont let you listen to it then just blast it louder till she gives in.
Maybe not the best advice, but it could work
If she still wont let you listen to it then just blast it louder till she gives in.
Maybe not the best advice, but it could work
I think people that repress something as “bad” like your mom is doing only causes a much larger problem in the future. I had a friend who was not allowed to touch TV or video games his whole life. It was only when we hung out together that he got to play some games. I randomly met him again in the military about a year later. Now that he was away from home, he could play games as he wished. Good lord did he do a lot of catching up… I think it affected his studies and social life.
My point is, when you repress something, it only makes it worse. You mom should allow it to some extent at least! A full ban only creates a black market. Much like the prohibition.
yea. it IS just music but, just a random question, how do you make your signature a banner? ???
I agree with you, you’re friend couldove hated his parrents for not letting him do coll stuff and he coludove going into drugs, or alcohol or he wlod be agresive.