My Goodbye Poem :(

After attempting not to copy last years I failed to
Put some real thought into this post
Really, I tried
I give my apologies for that. I bet I’d have
Lost some brain cells even if I’d did

For all whom haven’t know me I’m sad we could not meet, to my friends
Our times here will never be forgotten
Our friendship will never be forgotten. I received a
Letter from my uncle inviting me to move to his house and I accepted.
So to continue on,

This will forcibly make me more accountable for my education and schoolwork
Henceforth I will not be able to join PCB again so
It is with sad regret I must say goodbye

In these few minutes I’ve spent writing this I remember the fun we’ve had here
Sadly… I cannot continue on

Sadly… I must move on to further my education and hope for a suitable career in
The odd game of life as the future is
Unknown and uncertain
Put simply. I’m leaving PCB
I’m incredibly sorry but I have to put my life outside ahead of his one
Don’t worry, I will never, ever forget you all


hahahaha, APRIL FOOLS!


I smell a copycat :wink:

Theee words -

See you later

I swear I believed it.

Vex, don’t make me have a heart attack again.

If it is true, I am really sorry, but a really bad day to say good bye xD


Just realized it was an April fools. FML

Cya vex have a fun time!

Ha April fools! You are not going anywhere!

Vex, no one can ever escape the addiction that is PCB. You will return someday.


‘‘April Fools this is stupid’’

Be smart everyone

four words, one acronym

