My Birthday

Okay so I am a gay male turning 14, I need birthday party ideas where a majority of the guests will probably be female! Anyone got some good ideas? I live in Washington and budget shouldn’t be a problem.

Please help! :-[ :-[
~Fallen :slight_smile:



Ooh, and cake. Lot’s of cake. I liek cake… :stuck_out_tongue:

DUDE FALLEN Happy birthday fam. Thanks for being such a bro on the server


Happy Birthday, Fallen.
As a gay male myself I suggest you show ur colors
Also, I like ice cream more than cake, sorry Anty

I swear there are only like two PCBians in Washington anyway. By happy coincidence, Washington happens to have near enough exactly 0.1% of the world’s population, so there should be a grand total of 9.3 people there with an account on PCB. And given that I think around 90% of the members are inactive or banned, so there’s probably only (on balance) 1 PCBian there - and you’re it.

So realistically, the likelihood of anyone here knowing about banging parties in Washington is practically nil.

That said, I have no idea what a 14 year old gets up to on the Pacific Northwest, so fuck it. Maybe you’ve got more raves there than we get in England.

Step 1 a) Cake … Get a HUGE Cake Step b) or … 2? idk … Colors lots of Colors and step 3 A Huge Sign with your name on it

Ayy Happy B Day Fam

Happy Birthday! And I would probably say lots of colors! And maybe ice cream Sunday’s.

I do wish you a happy birthday, but I fail to see how your sexual preference has any bearing on how you celebrate your birthday. By stating that, you are creating an exclusivity, whether it be for you benefit or not. You are welcome to show your pride, but in all honesty, at fourteen, waving your sexual flag to show that you are sexually active and want some action is quite disturbing. When you were on the server, I mistakenly thought you had said that you were turning 18, which is an entirely different conversation. At 14, keep the rocket in the pocket.

Happy Birthday! Here’s to another! (Also, I’m 11 days older than you)

Cake, Ice cream, pie, and whatever else fits the occasion should work well.


It really has nothing to do with it, I was just kinda putting a placeholder in some regards, to show (as a sterotype) im not really masculine and would like a party ideas that wouldn’t be sporty, or “manly”! And thanks for all the ideas, I still have no idea for what to do so, if anyone has anymore input on the matter, please tell me!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

OMFG madant I’m dying XD