Minecraft Username: Buddy957 .
Date of Ban: January 23, 2018
Banned by: CallumW25
Reason for Ban: Grief
Reason to be Unbanned: I actually have no recollection of what I griefed, But if I could be given the opportunity to know and fix what I have destroyed, that would amazing
My apologies for whatever I griefed, as I really have no clue what I did.
im just tryna play Minecraft with my friends, and it would be awesome to not be banned so I could continue to craft.
Thanks for your consideration.
Well I have since retired so I guess I could give this to another staff member to decide, but at the same time this seems quite easy. First of all this appeal is weak, even if you dont remember the grief you could at least pretend you care about/regret it, normally this wouldn’t pass. However I don’t remember you, or the grief, which means it was probably quite small. I’m gonna let you off the hook this time due to my forgetfulness, If you do step out of line again i will personally… get someone else to ban you…
Unbanned, Locked