Musical Composition Contest!

I, personally, have decided to throw a small contest to see who is the best musician in PCB.

All songs are to be submitted to me, Hard24get, before the 8th of February.

Song Theme

  • To prevent biased-ness on music, artists are urged to stick to a simple and light theme. This means no distortion(Sorry Liam), after effects, wahwah’s, etc for guitarists.

Song Rules
-No Copyrighted Material, all entries must be hand made by the artist. Meaning you cannot submit a cover of another song.
-The song must be made by you.
-Vocals, Piano, Brass, Woodwind, Strings, and any other instruments are allowed.

[size=small]-8Bit is allowed.
-You can submit a song/video to me of a song made with noteblocks.
-All songs must be greater than 1 minute in length.
-Songs are to be submitted as recorded, with no after effects or edits. (Does not apply to electronic music).
-Remixes/Mixups of other songs are not allowed.
-Must be in a music format.

How to Submit Music
-Songs are to be submitted by uploading your song to a filesharing website, and sending me a link to the download.

The Contest
-All Songs will uploaded onto the PCB Channel, however there will be no name for the video or any name of the artist who created it.
-The songs will be voted for on a separate thread, in a poll like manner.

1st Place. 1 Copy of Terraria, 64 Diamonds In-Game, Two Unknown Gems In-Game.
2nd Place. 32 Diamonds In-Game, One Unknown gem.
3rd Place. 32 Diamonds In-Game.

Happy Composing!!!

Count me in.

This would be my time to shine… If I had any composition software on my pc… which I don’t. :frowning:

You can record off your phone and or even windows sound recorder .

This means no distortion(Sorry Liam)

But hey, I play non-rock stuff. I’m just not too good at composing so I’ll probably just improvise something. If I can be bothered…

Im in for the DiAmOnDz, and im pretty good at music.

But, I do country so that will be kinda awkward. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ill see how I do with noteblocks.

I’ll see if I can do some sort of orchestral magnificence in college

I want Terraria O.O

Hard can I email it to you? when it’s done of course… I’ve found a very crappy programme and I’m going to do a 10 piece ensemble thing its gonna sound pretty bad as its MIDI

My right click is broken so I cant do much so I’ll see what I can do in college

i found a program. I might join if my song is good (its not gonna be rock music.) most likely to be classical

Now, if you are worried about it being “Embarrasing”, remember that when voting, no one will know which song was made by who. They will be purely voting on sound and not name.

Answer my question can I email it to you when done?

Sure, that can work to. Just grab the email off my forums account, as I don’t to post it in here.

Also, can we add a rule saying you can’t vote for yourself?
I think the songs would be best if kept simple, but that just my opinion.

Kept simple? C major with 4/4 time signature you say? nah XD

xD lulz. I’ve recorded part of mine already. More yet to be added. Not giving anything away to keep voting fair.

Well I don’t have much spare time in college I might be able to dig out one of my compositions from last year

I might have mine ready by tomorrow. It doesnt take long to do it.

(1-29-2013)EDIT: went to visit my friend yesterday, so not on 1-28-2013

Eh sorry, I just write songs not record them. :stuck_out_tongue: But I can’t wait to vote!

Is there a time limit on this? I’m getting an acoustic guitar next Monday for my birthday, which I may like to use.