Owner: Diamond building is SAZ2000’s but idk about the shrooms…
Reason of Vote: In the way of continued WestSpur/OrcaVille expansion and coming closer together.
Number of Votes Required for Resulting Action?: 5.
Suggested Action?: Remove.
This is the second in a series of removal/move requests.
i made the watch tower i dont want it gone :’(
Alrighty then, so the builder of the object rules. Do you want a SOP to move it gggeeee?
not really but i guess i could move it to the drill
I can move it for you, but I need to know the co-ords of where it is, and where you want it. Let me know!
No offence fili, but for all of these, weather you put remove in caps or move in caps, I’m always gunna hit move. Completely destroying it always seems like a last resort for me.
16 January 2012 19:43
Tbh i agree with ruby, why remove when it can be moved, Unless the player that built it wants it gone it shouldnt be removed thats my opinion anyway
Was it moved before server went down?