More PCB Events?

PCB used to have stronger numbers in its “glory days”

while still PCB has a strong community that over the years is more of “niche” than a broad community, perhaps some more server events could bring in the numbers and give the insensitive for players who arent as active to become more active?

examples including but not limiting to:

-build contests

-player hosted events (past examples were the Olympics)

-scavenger hunts

                         example: an Admin would put a chest and hide it somewhere in the PCB creative world, then as the days progress another clue is released as to where this chest might be, the clues could be parts of cordinates, biomes, riddles, names of nearby cities etc... and then one day someone would find it and itd be announced over the server and the player would earn perks, like lets say a mob egg or the ability to /nick if theyre a member? something like that...

pretty much any event that could possibly get more players to join the server / “spice” up the community

Good idea, I’d also suggest doing more advertising for PCB since it’s sorely lacking in that department.

Game Nights (run by Agx) were very fun (Cards Against Humanity being my personal favorite), Dubtrack nights were also fun

I agree those were very fun

The world expo was a good one :slight_smile:

I do love competition when it comes to building, it really seems to bring the best builds out of people.