Mob Gauntlet

Since the SOPs were unavailable last night, are we going to have the mob gauntlet rescheduled for sometime today?

Live for the gauntlet, die for the gauntlet.

Yeah I was looking forwards to this. I have to get some xp and those prizes man!

Sorry guys, my laptop charger died =.=. I ordered a new one, Which should be in soon, as soon add it is we can make up last gauntlets. If John could do it, that would be great too

John said he wasn’t sure what to do :stuck_out_tongue:

XD great. We will probably just do one huge round.

I’ve been trying to figure out a way to include the Dragon, but since I can’t cage it, is nearly impossible =/


Tried that. Apparently the coding on the Dragon is ridiculously unwell done, so it didn’t break it, but it flew right through a bedrock cube I made.

Is there any specific date set for this? Is it going to be Sunday like normal?

Depends if Shadowmeire gets his charger intime, because no one else knows how to host it. Hopefully :stuck_out_tongue:

I was wondering about the time it was suppose to arrive…

It would be nice if we could have another one at Sunday but just 12 hours earlier/later, because it is at midnight where I am :frowning:

I may have to start doing it earlier in the day, causei keep getting later shifts at work on Sundays.

Earlier would probably be better anyways. Just let us know what time it is before Sunday, if were having it this week please :smiley:

Trust me, as soon as my charger gets in, you guys will know about it

Thank you Shadow!!! ;D

I’ll be doing two gauntlets tomorrow. One well be at noon, the other at 7 pm est.
Here’s the thing though. Cause if our recent economic instability, I can no longer give out amazing prizes for no entry fee.
Entry fees for both games will be 6 diamonds. Prizes will remain the same ad always, however. Whatever loot you pick up, as well as 3k to the winner, and random enchanted weapons/armor, and now tools, that will be limited edition.
I’ll also take time to announce, that two new mini games are in the works for Tuesday, and Thursday night’s. So be prepared for that. Cya tomorrow at /warp mobarena