Lottery Time!

Project City Build has now set up two completely new and different lotteries, ready to play now!

[size=18pt]Market Slots:
This is the lottery system we know and love. It the classic push button item lottery. Now, all the buttons are free to press, and you can press them once a day. There are also free item dispensers full of spec’s unwanted items, which spits out whatever it may have inside (if anything) you can press it once an hour.

[size=18pt]PCB Lottery:
This is a completely new, and exciting lottery that just got added. It sells virtual tickets, and collects a pool of money from all the server’s participants. You can participate by typing /lottery and finding more details. The lottery will be drawn once a week, and you can buy up to 300 $5 tickets ($1,500).


Bought 3 tickets! I also got quite a few diamonds and saddles from the push button things. I think creating a push button lottery is quite difficult because even the most mundane things, like feathers, are useful. Good job spec/ferr!

Id play the lotto but no one is ever on the server :-\

Doesn’t matter how many people are on. Yesterday when I bought my tickets the prize pot was at leat $4,000!

Bought 25 tickets. :3

Lottery draw in 3 hours time.

Who won?

Robin did, twas a gg.