Looking for Helpers

Hey there! OmegaOtter at your service. I recently started a build and am looking for some other people interested in contributing! Main theme is modern-futuristic. Let me know if you want to help, since it is rather difficult to build a city by myself considering other personal limitations. :slight_smile:

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I could help sometimes. I would be able to help once I finish my island.

I’m willing to help! My current project has slumped, as the people who were working with me have quit. Add me on discord! Monks#5232

Thanks guys! Acmeoro, i believe i have your discord. Drah_goone, i will add you and be in touch!

Hey man I’m happy to help! I’m on mc since 2012 I’ve got experience in pretty much anything add me on discord; Sad_Pepe#2531

Hello, Im interested in joining this build project, add me in discord so we can discuss if i can join. কক SeanBau কক#7715