I’ve seen this server doesn’t really want to live in skyscrapers/apartment buildings. I’ve seen in no matter what city, they are significantly harder to sell. Why is that?
Super long to get up there
Because all it usually is, is a square room with 1 floor in a tower. People like to have their own structure that they can fully customize to their likings… And what guibo said
All of the above. You can’t really build to your own likes and wants when you’re in a complex, and then it’s a pain in the ass to get all the way up. (Although you can use /home, but still…)
I’ve had the same issues selling apartments. I’ve come to the conclusion that apartments are great for newcomers.
What about something like this?
I have [size=small]Acrophobia [size=small](fear of heights). The idea of living in one of those houses terrifies me D:
Ha! That would be one massive structure. Still no easy way up I can see though. Getting down is easy of course. Every morning you see falling people outside your window. You will be joining them, but your taking your time. Normal day in the neighborhood eh?